Wednesday 12 October 2011

Here I Am Again...

You know, I'm awful at blog titles. In fact, titles in general are a bit of a problem for me. The title of my book actually came before the story, the phrase 'Welcome To My Sorry Excuse For A Life' just popped into my head one day during German. There I was in Room one, on the second row back, near to the door and being taught by Mr Naylor when it, as JK Rowling said, "strolled into my head fully formed". Of course she was talking about the whole Harry Potter story, not just the name, but I can see what she means. It was a bit surreal actually. I wasn't having a sorry excuse for a lesson; in fact I was having quite a good day. I guess it must have been fate. I jotted it down somewhere important and also it was playing on my mind for a long time, it was nagging me. Harassing me. Not irritating me though, it was quite an interesting form of mind harassment. (Ooh, I like that phrase. I may use that in my next book.)

I can't remember when this phrase came to me; it was either Year 8 or Year 9. But seeing as I started my book in October of Year 10 - 2008 - it must have been Year 9. I don't think it played on my mind for that long. Then again, I could be wrong - you may not believe it, but it's happened before!

I've just had another thought. I don't know who is actually reading this blog. I mean, apart from my mum and my mum's friend Janet, this must be a very lonely little fragment of the internet. Who knows, one day millions of people may read it if I get my book published and it becomes really popular. People may be interested in my random life before it happened, you never know.

Currently my best friend Meghan is sitting next to me (yes you guessed it, I'm in the school library again) She's just finished off her personal statement for university and has added it to her UCAS application after a bit of panic with it not fitting. I'm not going to uni. It sounds like a nightmare. Loads of personal study (which I've never liked doing) loads of new people, a new place to live, probably in a city (scary!) plus all the random goings on you hear about at university, drinking and clubbing and all that jazz. Actually I think I’d prefer a nice bit of jazz.

When I watch these Cops with Cameras shows on TV with my mum, when their not raiding horribly untidy houses for drugs in Swansea they're out at night dealing with drunken students. It's revolting some of the things the human race gets up to sometimes.

Anyway, I'm sitting here whacking away at the keyboard typing this when I really need to be getting on with my presentation about Stalin for History. I've done quite a lot during this free period though, so I'm having a bit of a break now. I'll do more after English. Anyway it's break in ten minutes, so I'll have to cut my ramblings short.

Sometimes, I can tap away into a new blog post all day if I have the time, and sometimes it's a bit of a chore. No inspiration and all that. I don't know why that should happen really. My mind is always buzzing with thoughts, and all this blog is an insight into my mind. I guess some things that are in your mind you don't really want to plaster all over the internet. Or maybe sometimes I'm too bored to write here. Either way, I blog when I can. I'm certainly getting more frequent, that's always a bonus.

This reminds me. I recently sprained my ankle at work. I know I know, "had an accident at work and it wasn't your fault?" and all that. It wasn't my fault actually. This woman i work with put the Caution Wet Floor sign away and I slipped, my foot got jammed under the freezer and twisted around the wheel on the freezer. I was on crutches for a week. I'm off them now, but it's still a little sore. That's the third time I've done that ankle in. It's either unlucky to always get hurt, or very lucky not to have got broken, touch wood!

But anyway, when i went to see the doctor about it the day after, he checked my circulation. Everything was fine, so he said "Well, your foot's not going to drop off any time soon."
I replied "Well, that's always a bonus." he looked a little puzzled by that random joke. But oh well, I have a Sahara desert sense of humour. And that quote I have borrowed from Aaron who is currently in Big Brother. He’s a nice guy.

Oops, it's break. Loads of small ‘blazered’ children are filing into the library making incredible amounts of noise for such small children. And that quote is from my Biology teacher, more or less.

So, I'd better end here. Speak soon

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Back To Blogging (finally!)

So, I'm writing again! Quite proud of myself really, but I did promise to update more often! Anyway, so currently I'm in the school library. I actually sort of live in here. I mean, it's warm, has computers, and has the nice librarian to have a chat to plus all my friends hang around here at breaks and lunch. We like to call ourselves 'The Library Crew'! But it's my last year at school now. I'm not going to university, I've never wanted too and I just don't think it's for me. But I'm going to miss this place. It's been my home for the last six years and I'm attached to even the fixtures and fittings! I have quite a few younger friends, in years 8-10, so I'll be leaving all them, The Library Crew banter will cease, not to mention canteen (or as we call it, the scran-teen!) banter, saying hi to everyone I pass them in the corridor, and the Bus Crew (the folks on my bus I'm friends with will be broken up too. I'll miss all the social side, because even though at one point my so-called social situation had gone right down the toilet, now it's really never been better.

So I'm making the most of every day now. And also, my entire life has been lived at school, well, most of what I can remember anyway. The morning routine, your life revolving around break and lunchtime, the school year being more important than the calendar year, buses and trips, form rooms and lessons - well, it's all going to change isn't it?

Ah, that's nice! Sweet Home Alabama has just started playing on my iPod. The first few guitar bars in that song are surely sent directly from heaven: they're amazing! In fact, I might just wind it back to the beginning to hear them again... LOVE IT! (That’s my new phrase.) It sounds really sunny those first few bars. Not that i play the guitar or anything, oh no. You won't find me making any sort of music. I'm about as musically talented as a giraffe. I do enjoy singing though (who doesn't?) but I'm not sure anyone who hears me enjoys it!

Here I am, rambling again! The title of my blog really does work doesn't it? That's actually a quote from Doctor Who - Christopher Eccleston said it, to be exact. But I did think it suited me!

Well, I'm all out of what to write now. I've just poured my soul out up there about leaving school in June, and then rambled about music... what else can I say? Hmmm.... Ah, yes! May I just congratulate One Direction for getting to number one on Sunday with their new single? Yes, I know this is still about music, but they deserve it; they are my favourite band ever. Well, I will always love Busted too, but they've split up and can't have a reunion (apparently Charlie wouldn't ever get back with them - very sad), but I am very proud of the 1D boys for getting the fastest selling number one of the year - 153,600 in the first week - and I was one of those people!

It's parent's evening tonight. I hope the teachers are nice about me. They've not got much ammo to be honest, apart from me doodling all the time, but it does help me concentrate, whatever they say!

Gosh, I bet I've written loads! Well, I'll just paste this into Word to spell check it (even members of the Grammar Police like me suffer from typos) and then I'll post it before you all fall asleep on your keyboards!

Write soon xxxxxx

Saturday 17 September 2011

I've Been Busy!

Sorry I've been away for so long! I've had a lot to do! Holiday, work experience, back to school - it just never stops! I promise I'll try to update this at least weekly! But for now (because I need to go out to work soon and I haven't had any breakfast yet) I'll post the article I wrote for my local paper when I was there on work experience. I did one last year too - which is here:

But this is the one I wrote this year. It didn't make the actual paper, but went up on the website for a while but has now randomly been taken out of the archives... Hmmmm. Anyway, here it is!

THIS week I've been gaining work experience in the editorial office at the Cumberland and Westmorland Herald, writes Zoe Badder.
It's the second time I've been here, the first being last summer, and it's been slightly different this year. The main new thing I've experienced was my trip to the magistrates' court to have an insight into court reporting.
Last year, me and another reporter simply walked to the courts on two separate days, and we could arrive there in time for the cases we were interested in.
However, after the sad closure of Penrith courts, a reporter has to drive up to Carlisle every day to report. On Tuesday I, shall we say, "tagged along", and had a different court experience to that of last year.
The courts were bigger and we had to sit through many cases that were of no relevance to the Herald, but it was all really interesting!
I've been in the office as well, typing up small pieces and making some phone calls, but I particularly liked writing reports for weddings. It was lovely to read and then write about all the little details that made each day unique, especially a comedy car. I can't wait to see the pictures when they're printed to see who I was writing about.
It was great writing about a wedding in Paphos, too, as my mum and dad got married there.
I'm sitting at a different desk to last year, which has enabled me to get to know different reporters, and I think I've been able to get involved with the office banter on a couple of occasions.
I was really nervous on my first day; I couldn't remember everyone that well and was unsure if they'd remember me at all, so I didn't really say much and I was all awkward smiles and "I don't want to pester you, but …" However, it's Wednesday now and I'm really enjoying it. Tomorrow I'm off to Crosby Ravensworth show. I'm told I might need my wellies — I'll have to rummage about in my garage for them.
I've not been to many shows in the nine years I've lived in Cumbria — in fact, the only one I've been to was in Yorkshire. Therefore I don't think it counts — so it's probably about time. You'll have to find out how the show went from the "official" report in Saturday's paper.
Anyway, so even though I'm only halfway through my week, I think working in the Herald office is brilliant, and all the people who are lucky enough to work here are brilliant too! I really hope I'll be able to come back some day.


Yes, so that was my week. It was a while ago now, but it was fun! Now I'm back at Sixth Form for my last year in education - it's a scary thought. It's practically all I've known for all my life - the school year and routine - and it's about to change. I'm going to have to make the most of it now.

That's all for now, write again soon!

Sunday 3 July 2011

Writing Is NOT A Chore

Ok, I hardly ever blog any more, but really, who even reads them? My mum does, (yes, HI MUM) and a few other friends, but I don't know, I just don't find time these days.I've finished my first book, which I really need to work out how to get published, and I've started on my second. I'm writing FanFiction but not enough really, I don't know how my readers don't get mad at me! I'm going to write some now.

Whoops, I got carried away with that. Anyway, there's not much else going on in my life at the moment. I'm looking forward to my holiday in the summer, going to Sixth Form still, trying to stay awake in History, the usual routine. I've got into my new story now, I'm going to post this and get back to that.

Ratty xxxx

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Long Since

So I've not blogged for a while. Ha ha, like anybody but my family and friends read it anyway. Still, I enjoy it. When I remember that is...

But no, I've been busy writing my book, which I've FINALLY finished after only two and a half years of writing. I was doing GCSEs though! But anyway, it's done now, just needs a bit of what I call tinkering and proof reading. Which rreminds me, my mum needs to read it! I know you're reading this Mum, so stop and go and read my book!

So currently it's the Easter holidays. Wup-de-doo. I have to tidy my room, on my supposed 'lazy day'. I also have some nice coursework to 'tinker with' as my English teacher, Mr Ward, says. Thanks sir! You obviously told us we had finished all our coursework for nothing. Not to mention A Level revison... sheesh. Far too much to do in two weeks. At least The Vampire Diaries is on again tonight.

Aha, some news! I recently dressed up as Connor Temple from ITV1's show Primeval. I don't like to brag, but my cotume was amazing! In fact, here it is

It was for fancy dress of course, I don't just randomly dress up as TV characters, because that is NOT normal.

I guess playing hide and seek with your eight year old brother in B&Q, hiding in a wardrobe, some woman opening it, you saying "Hellooo" then legging it isn't normal either. But I guess you win some you lose some.

Anyway, that's it for now, I have to go and remove random people following me on Twitter. This guy has a moustache, kind of creeps me out.