Wednesday 12 October 2011

Here I Am Again...

You know, I'm awful at blog titles. In fact, titles in general are a bit of a problem for me. The title of my book actually came before the story, the phrase 'Welcome To My Sorry Excuse For A Life' just popped into my head one day during German. There I was in Room one, on the second row back, near to the door and being taught by Mr Naylor when it, as JK Rowling said, "strolled into my head fully formed". Of course she was talking about the whole Harry Potter story, not just the name, but I can see what she means. It was a bit surreal actually. I wasn't having a sorry excuse for a lesson; in fact I was having quite a good day. I guess it must have been fate. I jotted it down somewhere important and also it was playing on my mind for a long time, it was nagging me. Harassing me. Not irritating me though, it was quite an interesting form of mind harassment. (Ooh, I like that phrase. I may use that in my next book.)

I can't remember when this phrase came to me; it was either Year 8 or Year 9. But seeing as I started my book in October of Year 10 - 2008 - it must have been Year 9. I don't think it played on my mind for that long. Then again, I could be wrong - you may not believe it, but it's happened before!

I've just had another thought. I don't know who is actually reading this blog. I mean, apart from my mum and my mum's friend Janet, this must be a very lonely little fragment of the internet. Who knows, one day millions of people may read it if I get my book published and it becomes really popular. People may be interested in my random life before it happened, you never know.

Currently my best friend Meghan is sitting next to me (yes you guessed it, I'm in the school library again) She's just finished off her personal statement for university and has added it to her UCAS application after a bit of panic with it not fitting. I'm not going to uni. It sounds like a nightmare. Loads of personal study (which I've never liked doing) loads of new people, a new place to live, probably in a city (scary!) plus all the random goings on you hear about at university, drinking and clubbing and all that jazz. Actually I think I’d prefer a nice bit of jazz.

When I watch these Cops with Cameras shows on TV with my mum, when their not raiding horribly untidy houses for drugs in Swansea they're out at night dealing with drunken students. It's revolting some of the things the human race gets up to sometimes.

Anyway, I'm sitting here whacking away at the keyboard typing this when I really need to be getting on with my presentation about Stalin for History. I've done quite a lot during this free period though, so I'm having a bit of a break now. I'll do more after English. Anyway it's break in ten minutes, so I'll have to cut my ramblings short.

Sometimes, I can tap away into a new blog post all day if I have the time, and sometimes it's a bit of a chore. No inspiration and all that. I don't know why that should happen really. My mind is always buzzing with thoughts, and all this blog is an insight into my mind. I guess some things that are in your mind you don't really want to plaster all over the internet. Or maybe sometimes I'm too bored to write here. Either way, I blog when I can. I'm certainly getting more frequent, that's always a bonus.

This reminds me. I recently sprained my ankle at work. I know I know, "had an accident at work and it wasn't your fault?" and all that. It wasn't my fault actually. This woman i work with put the Caution Wet Floor sign away and I slipped, my foot got jammed under the freezer and twisted around the wheel on the freezer. I was on crutches for a week. I'm off them now, but it's still a little sore. That's the third time I've done that ankle in. It's either unlucky to always get hurt, or very lucky not to have got broken, touch wood!

But anyway, when i went to see the doctor about it the day after, he checked my circulation. Everything was fine, so he said "Well, your foot's not going to drop off any time soon."
I replied "Well, that's always a bonus." he looked a little puzzled by that random joke. But oh well, I have a Sahara desert sense of humour. And that quote I have borrowed from Aaron who is currently in Big Brother. He’s a nice guy.

Oops, it's break. Loads of small ‘blazered’ children are filing into the library making incredible amounts of noise for such small children. And that quote is from my Biology teacher, more or less.

So, I'd better end here. Speak soon

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