Thursday 28 October 2010

Chocolate Much?

Hello, readers! It’s me again! Well, who else would it be, it is my blog. Speaking of blogs, my friend very wisely said the word ‘blog’ sounds like a creature that lives on the seabed and communicates through breaking wind. I had to agree, but still, I enjoy writing mine! Funnily enough, she has recently started one up… hmmmm, odd. Anyway, back to my actual life.

So, yesterday I went to Cadbury World in Birmingham. I've wanted to go there for ages, and was it as good as I'd expected? Yes.

There was loads of the history of chocolate, told in really interesting ways, with miniature scenes with moving people projected onto them, people dressed up as the founders of Cadbury's (funnily enough, their surnames were Cadbury), talking to each other while on different TV screens, there were seats that shook to resemble the action of the chocolate making machines, plus we ended up getting three free bars and a cup of melted chocolate. Oooh, I can actually smell melted chocolate as I'm writing this! Hang on, that can't be right, I'm sitting in my room! Maybe I'm just going mad...

Now, that cup of melted chocolate did cause some fuss. You see, we were able to choose an ingredient to have with the chocolate, from various sweets, biscuits pieces, rice krispies, popcorn and all other things that contain calories galore. I was all set to have biscuit pieces in mine because I knew that would be nice, however, I was teetering on the edge of going for jelly babies instead. Mum however, said "I'll have rice krispies and you have biscuit, so that was decided. Then we swapped a bit, which was my fatal mistake. Mum ended up loving MY cup of melted chocolate, so we swapped. I must say, rice krispies are nowhere NEAR as nice with melted Cadbury's Dairy Milk as biscuit (imagine MY cup to be broken-up-and-melted-chocolate fingers, what a shame, they just happen to be Mum's favourite. Remember Mum, you owe me!!!

Another amusing time was the Cadabra ride. It was a bit cheesy to start with, this car going through a wonderland-with-cocoa-beans-with-faces-in, who all lived in houses and the plants in the little gardens moved (spooky!). It was very Santa’s-grotto. Now, just before we got on this, we were told by the attendant that we would have our picture taken as we went around. He said “When you see the big parrot, smile.” Mum got this all wrong, and thought you were meant to smile AT the parrot. When we eventually saw the parrot, she was so busy smiling at it she failed to notice a bright TV screen with a cartoon cocoa-bean character on, and the character was holding a camera and practically shouting “Hey, look over here, I’m going to take your picture, look at me!” Me and my brother heard this as it was very hard not to, but it was obviously not impossible, as Mum was still gawping at the parrot and on the picture we bought she wasn’t looking. And no, Mum, you’re never going to live that down.

However, soon after the parrot episode, we were on ‘Advertisement Avenue’, a street made to look like it was made out of chocolate that showed some of the most famous past adverts for Cadbury’s. We were standing on the ‘chocolate’ bridge at one point, and Mum decided to point this out to me. I then informed her that her statement was fairly irrelevant, seeing as we were standing on in a chocolate street. She then thought it would be oh-so-hilarious to say that there was a woman behind me licking a house. Naturally, I turned around to see this phenomenon, but there was no such lady in sight. Mum then began to laugh at me. I wasn’t amused. I was fully expecting to see some random obese person obsessively licking a house! Of course, I didn’t, so Mum had me there. But I just said “Parrot”, smirked and moved on to the next exhibit, which just happened to be the drumming gorilla. It actually moved and everything as the Phil Collins track played, and we all thought that that was the actual gorilla used in the advert, it moved so realistically. But it was obviously not a man in a suit, because he wouldn’t just sit there behind a screen doing the same thing over and over again every time some kid pressed the button. And also, the eyes opened and closed, and no human has all-black eyes. Not unless they’re really weird…

So, overall, a very good day. Especially the hot-dog I had in the restaurant afterwards, it was served in a baguette! It was simply the best hot-dog I’ve ever had in my life!

Anyway, that’s all from me for now, I need to go and eat something, not to mention I have homework to do.

Zoe xxxxxxx

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I DID owe you for swapping the melted chocolate with biscuit bits. However, as you mentioned, the hotdog you had was the best ever, and who queued up with the mass crowd and bought it for you - your good old mum! By the way, PARROT or HOUSE LICKING WOMAN?!
