Friday 30 July 2010

Getting Used To It (Blogging That Is)

So, I'm sitting here in my PJs on my laptop thinking hmmm, how can I spend the rest of the summer hols??
But I don't have any answers for that yet, so maybe you guys can comment with suggestions?
So a bit about me, I am sixteen and live in the UK (but that is not short for Ukraine), and I'm not telling you any more than that, in case some randomer gets it into their head to come visit me and demand cups of sugar or something. I am a girl, and enjoy clothes and such, however I do not usually wear any kind of make up, I do not, and never will, have my ears or anywhere else pierced, I find tattoos vile, I like neon in general, I am amused by normal things such as people eating cereal on TV (The Vampire Diaries for that one), cash and carry stores, miniature things like small bins, spoons and cheese graters, and I have an extraordinarily active imagination, and adore all animals, even spiders and that supposedly ugly blob fish just recently discovered. However, I am not a big fan of dogs, especially when they are large and excitable (ferocious, more like).

OK I admit it. I was recommended by a friend called Clive to start a blog, but I have no idea what to actually write! Maybe I should just do it like a diary, as I used to write a journal, however, I will be a bit more careful about what I write, because the contents of my journals could get half of my class at school arrested, and the other half would never speak to me again. But that is beside the point. Even though there really isn't as point. Maybe I should just write when I have more to tell!

I have just remembered a major characteristic of me! I love bags! Handbags that is, I have over thirty, all colour coded and hung up in my wardrobe! I am currently on the lookout for an orange bag, and a green bag, because I don't have ones of those colours yet. My most recent acquisition is a red bag with changeable strap length, two main compartments, a back zipped pocket, a back key pocket, an inside zipped pocket, and inside phone pocket, an inside what I like to call train-ticket-pocket (they fit perfectly) and a flap over magnetic press stud clasp, which often gets in the way when opening the bag. However, it is fantastic! And it was in the sale, so it was only a tenner, from The Edinburgh Woollen Mill (which is not just located in Edinburgh, contrary to popular myth. I can't imagine where that rumour came from). A great buy, and a welcomed addition to my bag family.

Oh gosh, I do seem to be rambling don't I? Bye for now, but I'm going to be a bit busy for a while, but I'll write as soon as possible.

Oh and PS, check out my amazing banner! Fish fingers and custard, the milky fishy treat!

Myspace Glitter Graphics

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