Friday 25 May 2012

An Update (of sorts)

Ah, lovely! It’s a beautiful day today. Well, it is now I’ve done my History mock. That was anything BUT beautiful. Apart from my handwriting – that was unusually neat considering I was under exam conditions. My primary school teachers would be proud… What a joke! Sorry Mrs Hart, I don’t do joined up writing, you failed at that goal didn’t you! Anyway, as I was saying, I have just done my History mock exam. The word mock literally mocks people who have to do mocks (so I suppose at least they’re aptly named). Isn’t the real exam enough? Ah, of course not! We must ‘practise’. Hah! All it does is stresses us out for the real thing! It’s like saying “Hey, look, you’re going to have to do this, but its going to be worse than this, so enjoy the lead up to the real one!” Anyway, in this exam we have to write two essays in an hour and a half. It’s better than AS Level when we had to write four essays in an hour and three quarters, but these essays most likely have more marks available. Anyway, so I did question one and two, as there are three questions you have to choose two from. Question one was a godsend – ‘To what extent did Britain decline as a world power between 1951 and 1997?’ I knew a lot about that and also felt fairly confident in my analysis (which is the most important skill in History you know). The funny thing was, until I read the question and then read it again and started to plan, I didn’t realise how much I knew about it! So that was a nice surprise. Question two was about Labour dominance between 1997 and 2007 being due to the weakness of other parties, which I was not massively okay with, but anything was better than writing about the Trade Unions for question 3. So I winged it on the second question but ran out of time anyway. Hopefully I did well in my first essay which covered nearly three sides of paper and contained minimal rambling. On the subject of minimal rambling, I am rambling a lot about my A Level History mock. Imagine if you, lovely reader, do not have the ‘pleasure’ of doing this fascinating subject, I would think you would be bored out of your skull about now. Actually even if you do do this course, I can imagine - from my own experience - that you will not want to spend any more time thinking about it than you have to. So I will stop talking about this now. What is new in my life? Well, not that much. I’m still at school although I’ve left for exam leave. Yes, I am strange, in the words of my friend Kane, but I find it easier to revise here than at home. Plus I can see all my friends who are still legally obliged to be here for five days a week as well. So everybody wins! I am currently living in the library. You may think I jest, but no! I spend all day in here, except for lunch and the occasional exam or if the need to visit a teacher elsewhere in school. There are computers, nice desks, beanbags and plenty of books and a place to stow my bag should I leave and want to travel light. Travelling light is an important factor in school. I have a massive nag containing anything I may need, but my essentials – phone, keys, iPod, purse and flash drives are packed in a organised fashion in the many pockets of my trousers. I hate clothes without pockets, which always made the search for school trousers an absolute pain in the rear end, as girls trousers never seem to have pockets! Fake pockets, oh yes, but they’re not real! That is one of my pet hates – fake pockets. I don’t see how they add any aesthetic quality to the clothing. And even if they did, why not make them functional as well? If you’re going to make it look like there are pockets, surely it’s not extra hassle or drawback to actually place the most useful device ever invented – the pocket – into the trousers anyway? It makes me so mad! But luckily at QEGS, we wore blazers, which had more than ample pocket provisions. My blazer had a total of six pockets. SIX. Those were the days… Yes, two outside pockets and a top pocket, two inside pockets – one being zipped, and a little pocket just for your phone! Even though we weren’t actually allowed phones in school, so that was always considered ironic. Anyway, off from one of my favourite rant subjects, I am currently in the school library which is blissfully quiet, as it is not break. At break, all hell tends to break loose. Pun not intended. But seriously, it’s a great fifteen minutes usually. Sometimes there are too many people, but normally there’s enough of the Library Crew to make it an amusing time. The Library Crew being the people I am friends with who hang out in the library. There’s plenty of us. I bet if we joined forces with the Bus Crew – yes, you guessed it, my group of friends who all go on the same school bus – we could conquer the world! We’ve got people of all talents as well. We’ve got an aspiring doctor, a couple of actors, a matchmaker, people who can cook, scientists, a mathematician, a ridiculous amount of musicians, a few writers, many comedians, people who are very perceptive, people who can provide excellent distractions and even somebody who is athletic. We’re practically a new branch of superheroes. Anyway, that’s all I’m going to splurge onto the internet for now. I’ll hopefully write again later - if I don’t forget that is! It’s mentally sunny today, so I may go… outside!