I'm sitting here in the school library again. It's really like a home from home! Although my home doesn't have beanbags and enough books to sink a battleship. Although we do have rather a lot of books, but not as many as I'm sharing a room with right now. Then again, the library doesn't have a biscuit cupboard. House 1, Library nil!
I now feel a bit dazed. I have just had something explained to me by my friend at about ninety miles-per-hour and I don't understand a word of it! Oh well, I used my old motto: smile and nod, smile and nod. She's doing it again... oh well, I'm sure I do it to her sometimes too. Speaking explaining things to people who don't understand, The Vampire Diaries is on tonight! You could possibly say I was excited. If you are a fan of understatements that is.
Now, just a quick note to say I am supporting One Direction to win the X Factor this year. Well, I was torn between them and Storm Lee, but the obvious tone-deaf-ness of the British public means Storm was kicked out in only the second week! It was an absolute TRADGEY. Although I still insist he looks a lot like John Simm, when they both had blonde hair that is.
But One Direction are good. Now, you may say that I've fallen into the trap of teenage-fangirl-who-loves-them-because-they're-hot, but I actually think they are a really excellent boy band! To prove my point, I actually listen to their songs. Using earphones. WITHOUT SEEING THEM. I think this proves my point efficiently. In fact, I'm listening to them singing Coldplay's Viva La Vida right now. But then again, I have to admit they all are rather cute as well. Especially Liam. But hey, he's also the best singer!
Anyway, I'm off now. Bye!
Tuesday, 2 November 2010
Thursday, 28 October 2010
Chocolate Much?
Hello, readers! It’s me again! Well, who else would it be, it is my blog. Speaking of blogs, my friend very wisely said the word ‘blog’ sounds like a creature that lives on the seabed and communicates through breaking wind. I had to agree, but still, I enjoy writing mine! Funnily enough, she has recently started one up… hmmmm, odd. Anyway, back to my actual life.
So, yesterday I went to Cadbury World in Birmingham. I've wanted to go there for ages, and was it as good as I'd expected? Yes.
There was loads of the history of chocolate, told in really interesting ways, with miniature scenes with moving people projected onto them, people dressed up as the founders of Cadbury's (funnily enough, their surnames were Cadbury), talking to each other while on different TV screens, there were seats that shook to resemble the action of the chocolate making machines, plus we ended up getting three free bars and a cup of melted chocolate. Oooh, I can actually smell melted chocolate as I'm writing this! Hang on, that can't be right, I'm sitting in my room! Maybe I'm just going mad...
Now, that cup of melted chocolate did cause some fuss. You see, we were able to choose an ingredient to have with the chocolate, from various sweets, biscuits pieces, rice krispies, popcorn and all other things that contain calories galore. I was all set to have biscuit pieces in mine because I knew that would be nice, however, I was teetering on the edge of going for jelly babies instead. Mum however, said "I'll have rice krispies and you have biscuit, so that was decided. Then we swapped a bit, which was my fatal mistake. Mum ended up loving MY cup of melted chocolate, so we swapped. I must say, rice krispies are nowhere NEAR as nice with melted Cadbury's Dairy Milk as biscuit (imagine MY cup to be broken-up-and-melted-chocolate fingers, what a shame, they just happen to be Mum's favourite. Remember Mum, you owe me!!!
Another amusing time was the Cadabra ride. It was a bit cheesy to start with, this car going through a wonderland-with-cocoa-beans-with-faces-in, who all lived in houses and the plants in the little gardens moved (spooky!). It was very Santa’s-grotto. Now, just before we got on this, we were told by the attendant that we would have our picture taken as we went around. He said “When you see the big parrot, smile.” Mum got this all wrong, and thought you were meant to smile AT the parrot. When we eventually saw the parrot, she was so busy smiling at it she failed to notice a bright TV screen with a cartoon cocoa-bean character on, and the character was holding a camera and practically shouting “Hey, look over here, I’m going to take your picture, look at me!” Me and my brother heard this as it was very hard not to, but it was obviously not impossible, as Mum was still gawping at the parrot and on the picture we bought she wasn’t looking. And no, Mum, you’re never going to live that down.
However, soon after the parrot episode, we were on ‘Advertisement Avenue’, a street made to look like it was made out of chocolate that showed some of the most famous past adverts for Cadbury’s. We were standing on the ‘chocolate’ bridge at one point, and Mum decided to point this out to me. I then informed her that her statement was fairly irrelevant, seeing as we were standing on in a chocolate street. She then thought it would be oh-so-hilarious to say that there was a woman behind me licking a house. Naturally, I turned around to see this phenomenon, but there was no such lady in sight. Mum then began to laugh at me. I wasn’t amused. I was fully expecting to see some random obese person obsessively licking a house! Of course, I didn’t, so Mum had me there. But I just said “Parrot”, smirked and moved on to the next exhibit, which just happened to be the drumming gorilla. It actually moved and everything as the Phil Collins track played, and we all thought that that was the actual gorilla used in the advert, it moved so realistically. But it was obviously not a man in a suit, because he wouldn’t just sit there behind a screen doing the same thing over and over again every time some kid pressed the button. And also, the eyes opened and closed, and no human has all-black eyes. Not unless they’re really weird…
So, overall, a very good day. Especially the hot-dog I had in the restaurant afterwards, it was served in a baguette! It was simply the best hot-dog I’ve ever had in my life!
Anyway, that’s all from me for now, I need to go and eat something, not to mention I have homework to do.
Zoe xxxxxxx
So, yesterday I went to Cadbury World in Birmingham. I've wanted to go there for ages, and was it as good as I'd expected? Yes.
There was loads of the history of chocolate, told in really interesting ways, with miniature scenes with moving people projected onto them, people dressed up as the founders of Cadbury's (funnily enough, their surnames were Cadbury), talking to each other while on different TV screens, there were seats that shook to resemble the action of the chocolate making machines, plus we ended up getting three free bars and a cup of melted chocolate. Oooh, I can actually smell melted chocolate as I'm writing this! Hang on, that can't be right, I'm sitting in my room! Maybe I'm just going mad...
Now, that cup of melted chocolate did cause some fuss. You see, we were able to choose an ingredient to have with the chocolate, from various sweets, biscuits pieces, rice krispies, popcorn and all other things that contain calories galore. I was all set to have biscuit pieces in mine because I knew that would be nice, however, I was teetering on the edge of going for jelly babies instead. Mum however, said "I'll have rice krispies and you have biscuit, so that was decided. Then we swapped a bit, which was my fatal mistake. Mum ended up loving MY cup of melted chocolate, so we swapped. I must say, rice krispies are nowhere NEAR as nice with melted Cadbury's Dairy Milk as biscuit (imagine MY cup to be broken-up-and-melted-chocolate fingers, what a shame, they just happen to be Mum's favourite. Remember Mum, you owe me!!!
Another amusing time was the Cadabra ride. It was a bit cheesy to start with, this car going through a wonderland-with-cocoa-beans-with-faces-in, who all lived in houses and the plants in the little gardens moved (spooky!). It was very Santa’s-grotto. Now, just before we got on this, we were told by the attendant that we would have our picture taken as we went around. He said “When you see the big parrot, smile.” Mum got this all wrong, and thought you were meant to smile AT the parrot. When we eventually saw the parrot, she was so busy smiling at it she failed to notice a bright TV screen with a cartoon cocoa-bean character on, and the character was holding a camera and practically shouting “Hey, look over here, I’m going to take your picture, look at me!” Me and my brother heard this as it was very hard not to, but it was obviously not impossible, as Mum was still gawping at the parrot and on the picture we bought she wasn’t looking. And no, Mum, you’re never going to live that down.
However, soon after the parrot episode, we were on ‘Advertisement Avenue’, a street made to look like it was made out of chocolate that showed some of the most famous past adverts for Cadbury’s. We were standing on the ‘chocolate’ bridge at one point, and Mum decided to point this out to me. I then informed her that her statement was fairly irrelevant, seeing as we were standing on in a chocolate street. She then thought it would be oh-so-hilarious to say that there was a woman behind me licking a house. Naturally, I turned around to see this phenomenon, but there was no such lady in sight. Mum then began to laugh at me. I wasn’t amused. I was fully expecting to see some random obese person obsessively licking a house! Of course, I didn’t, so Mum had me there. But I just said “Parrot”, smirked and moved on to the next exhibit, which just happened to be the drumming gorilla. It actually moved and everything as the Phil Collins track played, and we all thought that that was the actual gorilla used in the advert, it moved so realistically. But it was obviously not a man in a suit, because he wouldn’t just sit there behind a screen doing the same thing over and over again every time some kid pressed the button. And also, the eyes opened and closed, and no human has all-black eyes. Not unless they’re really weird…
So, overall, a very good day. Especially the hot-dog I had in the restaurant afterwards, it was served in a baguette! It was simply the best hot-dog I’ve ever had in my life!
Anyway, that’s all from me for now, I need to go and eat something, not to mention I have homework to do.
Zoe xxxxxxx
Sunday, 3 October 2010
Panto Occurences
Hello all!!
Just a few new things to note in my life...
I've recently got the part of Aladdin in the village pantomime (personally I think it's my short hair that landed me the role, but maybe my acting ability contributed too). It is rather good, as there aren't as many lines as I would have thought, but again I have to marry a girl. It is getting a bit of a habit with me. Last time I played Maid Marian in Robin Hood, and Robin was played by a girl. It's just one of those things.
I was discussing this with my friends on the way back from the bus stop after school (we call ourselves The Bus Crew because we all go on the same school bus and have quite a few laughs doing it) the marriage to Holly (the girl who plays Jasmine) as her mum walked by. I said, perfectly innocently, "there's my future mother in law". The girls then started to laugh and mention something about homosexuality, causing me to state quite loudly (and right outside the village church may I add) that "Just because I'm marrying a girl doesn't mean I'm a LESBIAN!". Unfortunately, as I said this, an elderly woman drove past in her rattling old tin-can car with her window down. Needless to say, she looked rather shocked.
But I love the village panto. This year, all of The Bus Crew bar two are in it, so we will all have much fun and most likely reform the "Panto Crew" of two years ago (the last panto, it's far too much work to be annual). Last time, larking about with some sticks from the tree outside, somebody broke the cupboard in the old kitchen (by accident) in the back room while mucking about during rehearsals, and this was the subject of much amusement for quite some time afterwards. In fact, I filmed the episode, and you can see it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3Q15vY3hzQ
I just would like to point out that the kitchen was being moved from where it was in the village hall to another part of the building at that time, so the cupboard in question was going to be scrapped anyway, otherwise we wouldn't have done it.
Not that we meant to either. It was all a huge mistake, as the video footage will prove.
Oh gosh I've wrote loads!!! I wasn't planning on this. Oh well, I'll write soon with more details of my mental life.
Just a few new things to note in my life...
I've recently got the part of Aladdin in the village pantomime (personally I think it's my short hair that landed me the role, but maybe my acting ability contributed too). It is rather good, as there aren't as many lines as I would have thought, but again I have to marry a girl. It is getting a bit of a habit with me. Last time I played Maid Marian in Robin Hood, and Robin was played by a girl. It's just one of those things.
I was discussing this with my friends on the way back from the bus stop after school (we call ourselves The Bus Crew because we all go on the same school bus and have quite a few laughs doing it) the marriage to Holly (the girl who plays Jasmine) as her mum walked by. I said, perfectly innocently, "there's my future mother in law". The girls then started to laugh and mention something about homosexuality, causing me to state quite loudly (and right outside the village church may I add) that "Just because I'm marrying a girl doesn't mean I'm a LESBIAN!". Unfortunately, as I said this, an elderly woman drove past in her rattling old tin-can car with her window down. Needless to say, she looked rather shocked.
But I love the village panto. This year, all of The Bus Crew bar two are in it, so we will all have much fun and most likely reform the "Panto Crew" of two years ago (the last panto, it's far too much work to be annual). Last time, larking about with some sticks from the tree outside, somebody broke the cupboard in the old kitchen (by accident) in the back room while mucking about during rehearsals, and this was the subject of much amusement for quite some time afterwards. In fact, I filmed the episode, and you can see it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3Q15vY3hzQ
I just would like to point out that the kitchen was being moved from where it was in the village hall to another part of the building at that time, so the cupboard in question was going to be scrapped anyway, otherwise we wouldn't have done it.
Not that we meant to either. It was all a huge mistake, as the video footage will prove.
Oh gosh I've wrote loads!!! I wasn't planning on this. Oh well, I'll write soon with more details of my mental life.
Friday, 17 September 2010
A Sea Of Rants (and the occasional evil laugh)
I've got my laptop back, finally! Good old Arthur (that's his name) recovered from his nasty virus and then came back to me to learn he probably passed it on to me before he went off to the Laptop Doctor, because I have lost my sense of smell and am continuously coughing up my trachea unless I down 'Covo-oooo-nia' like it's Lucozade Sport.
Anyway, I've been at Sixth Form now for two weeks, and it's great. I can't help but pay attention in all the lessons, I have no Maths or PE to torture me, and Friday has two doubles of English Literature! Not to mention the amazing freedom to walk out of the school grounds as you please. However, finding a person does get difficult, as I said to my friend Meghan, it's like somebody got a handful of Sixth-Former-flavoured-confetti and threw it all over town!
Another problem is lockers. Officially, Sixth Formers don't qualify for these essential secure storage spaces, unless, like my good friend Squish (yes, it's a nickname, but one that is always used) you happen to do A-Level Art and therefore get a giant cupboard in the Sixth Form Art Studio all to yourself. So poor old me would have to carry four Lever-Arch files complete with about six textbooks and a couple of novels to school, around school and back home nearly every day. Excuse me, but not going to happen!
However, the genius that is me prowled around school for a bit in search of a decent sized unclaimed locker. I finally found one in the middle of a Year Seven patch of lockers, whapped a padlock on and laughed my way to class. Mwhahahaha!!
I have also been kind and considerate enough to share my hard-to-come-by finding with my best friend Meghan, so it is now referred to as 'The Communal Locker', even though it is only used by two people.
One problem though, as I mentioned before, is the Year Sevens whose lockers surround mine. They may be extremely small and moderately timid, but even the might of the Sixth Former doesn't stand a chance against a swarm of small children who tend to travel in packs of about ten at a time, and when the locker space is squashed under the stairs it is not good. It can get pretty ochlophobic at times for the Lone Year Twelve in a sea of Year Sevens swinging PE bags and crushing you against the wall with their snail-to-shell-ratio rucksacks with just a measly 'sorry', and opening locker doors INTO YOUR ACTUAL HEAD without even a measly sorry.
Anyway, rant over... I'm going to go and do something useful with my precious time on this Earth.
*cough* Facebook *cough*
Anyway, I've been at Sixth Form now for two weeks, and it's great. I can't help but pay attention in all the lessons, I have no Maths or PE to torture me, and Friday has two doubles of English Literature! Not to mention the amazing freedom to walk out of the school grounds as you please. However, finding a person does get difficult, as I said to my friend Meghan, it's like somebody got a handful of Sixth-Former-flavoured-confetti and threw it all over town!
Another problem is lockers. Officially, Sixth Formers don't qualify for these essential secure storage spaces, unless, like my good friend Squish (yes, it's a nickname, but one that is always used) you happen to do A-Level Art and therefore get a giant cupboard in the Sixth Form Art Studio all to yourself. So poor old me would have to carry four Lever-Arch files complete with about six textbooks and a couple of novels to school, around school and back home nearly every day. Excuse me, but not going to happen!
However, the genius that is me prowled around school for a bit in search of a decent sized unclaimed locker. I finally found one in the middle of a Year Seven patch of lockers, whapped a padlock on and laughed my way to class. Mwhahahaha!!
I have also been kind and considerate enough to share my hard-to-come-by finding with my best friend Meghan, so it is now referred to as 'The Communal Locker', even though it is only used by two people.
One problem though, as I mentioned before, is the Year Sevens whose lockers surround mine. They may be extremely small and moderately timid, but even the might of the Sixth Former doesn't stand a chance against a swarm of small children who tend to travel in packs of about ten at a time, and when the locker space is squashed under the stairs it is not good. It can get pretty ochlophobic at times for the Lone Year Twelve in a sea of Year Sevens swinging PE bags and crushing you against the wall with their snail-to-shell-ratio rucksacks with just a measly 'sorry', and opening locker doors INTO YOUR ACTUAL HEAD without even a measly sorry.
Anyway, rant over... I'm going to go and do something useful with my precious time on this Earth.
*cough* Facebook *cough*
Monday, 6 September 2010
It's Like I've Never Been Away...
So here I am, back at school, in Sixth Form for the first time. And it's already tense on the friendship scene. Seriously, couldn't they save it for at least the second day back?
However, that aside, I am very happy to be back! We get a longer lunch on a Monday (today!), get to go off site at lunchtimes, have study periods, less subjects, a Sixth Form common room and don't have to wear uniform either.
The problem with the last one is every day you have to decide what to wear! And even that isn't as simple as it may sound, oh no, you don't only have to pick out co-ordinating top and bottoms, but also have to pick a matching jacket/coat, shoes (which have to be practical with the day's weather) and a bag too! Of course, me being me, I have a huge array of bags to choose from (which recently has had four new additions: dark denim, light blue/grey over-body, a beige lots-of-pockets over-body, and a brown one which I am using today), but it is still very difficult to decide your outfit! I was laying awake last night worrying intensely about it, so even though I had told myself I would sort it out in the morning I got up and started to race around my room in my pyjamas pulling things out of wardrobes and throwing them like confetti onto my bed and talking to myself about matching colours and waterproof-or-not shoes like an insane person, until I finally decided on a weather-approved practical outfit that obeyed the not-too-strict dress code, and then collapsed into my bed and went straight to sleep.
Also, I now have no blazer, so therefore no pockets with which to stuff all of my rubbish that I own such as keys, phone, earphones, bus pass and all that jazz. So my handbags are required to be larger with more pockets...
Anyway, moving on from that, I am having a super time and am especially happy having seen the guy I like again after ages of not seeing him, and him being dressed in a suit made it all the more enjoyable.
Signing off now though, I don't have much left of lunchtime. A quick hello to Janet (she's my mum's friend and I showed her my blog when we visited her on Saturday): Hello Janet!!
However, that aside, I am very happy to be back! We get a longer lunch on a Monday (today!), get to go off site at lunchtimes, have study periods, less subjects, a Sixth Form common room and don't have to wear uniform either.
The problem with the last one is every day you have to decide what to wear! And even that isn't as simple as it may sound, oh no, you don't only have to pick out co-ordinating top and bottoms, but also have to pick a matching jacket/coat, shoes (which have to be practical with the day's weather) and a bag too! Of course, me being me, I have a huge array of bags to choose from (which recently has had four new additions: dark denim, light blue/grey over-body, a beige lots-of-pockets over-body, and a brown one which I am using today), but it is still very difficult to decide your outfit! I was laying awake last night worrying intensely about it, so even though I had told myself I would sort it out in the morning I got up and started to race around my room in my pyjamas pulling things out of wardrobes and throwing them like confetti onto my bed and talking to myself about matching colours and waterproof-or-not shoes like an insane person, until I finally decided on a weather-approved practical outfit that obeyed the not-too-strict dress code, and then collapsed into my bed and went straight to sleep.
Also, I now have no blazer, so therefore no pockets with which to stuff all of my rubbish that I own such as keys, phone, earphones, bus pass and all that jazz. So my handbags are required to be larger with more pockets...
Anyway, moving on from that, I am having a super time and am especially happy having seen the guy I like again after ages of not seeing him, and him being dressed in a suit made it all the more enjoyable.
Signing off now though, I don't have much left of lunchtime. A quick hello to Janet (she's my mum's friend and I showed her my blog when we visited her on Saturday): Hello Janet!!
Friday, 3 September 2010
An Explanation
Ok, so I've not blogged in over a month. This was because I went on holiday for two weeks to beautiful Cornwall, but my laptop didn't connect to the internet where we stayed properly so I only managed to get online twice. Then when we came back, my laptop started 'not responding' to anything (don't you hate it when that happens?) so after a while he had to go to the laptop-doctor to get better. And he is still there. So now I am borrowing my Dad's.
But enough of that, I have so much going on in my life now! I’m starting Sixth Form on Monday, I went to Nottingham to see my grandparents last weekend, and obviously I had my holiday in Cornwall. It was absolutely fabulous! There was a small complex of villas outside a hotel, with an outdoor pool in the middle of the patio-type-thing outside the villas. This pool I went in almost every day, apart from one day when my family and I went to a theme park for the day, but I think the log flume counts too!
And then I was ill the second week, so had to nestle in my bed or on the duvet-covered-settee in the villa groaning about spoiling everybody's holiday, so didn't go in the pool for a couple of days then. Now the origin of this mysterious illness is one I debated heavily with myself, before finally realising that I had dropped a really big chip on the floor in Looe (it's a town in Cornwall, not a WC) and, obeying the three second rule (which has always sufficed before), picked it up and eaten it. I wasn't going to let it go to waste was I? Anyway, the next day I started feeling, shall we say, not quite myself. But I'm alright now, and it really was a nice chip.
And now all I can hear is my seven-year-old brother crashing around in his bedroom. I honestly think in future he is going to be one of those men who drives the crane with the massive wrecking ball on, demolishing buildings and crushing cars. Luckily right now he's just playing with some magnetic darts, about fifty metal ball bearings and an empty biscuit tin. Oh, to be young again!
Anyway, that's all for now folks! And yes, I am perfectly aware that I sound like somebody from the Looney Tunes. But seriously, that is all.
For now.
But enough of that, I have so much going on in my life now! I’m starting Sixth Form on Monday, I went to Nottingham to see my grandparents last weekend, and obviously I had my holiday in Cornwall. It was absolutely fabulous! There was a small complex of villas outside a hotel, with an outdoor pool in the middle of the patio-type-thing outside the villas. This pool I went in almost every day, apart from one day when my family and I went to a theme park for the day, but I think the log flume counts too!
And then I was ill the second week, so had to nestle in my bed or on the duvet-covered-settee in the villa groaning about spoiling everybody's holiday, so didn't go in the pool for a couple of days then. Now the origin of this mysterious illness is one I debated heavily with myself, before finally realising that I had dropped a really big chip on the floor in Looe (it's a town in Cornwall, not a WC) and, obeying the three second rule (which has always sufficed before), picked it up and eaten it. I wasn't going to let it go to waste was I? Anyway, the next day I started feeling, shall we say, not quite myself. But I'm alright now, and it really was a nice chip.
And now all I can hear is my seven-year-old brother crashing around in his bedroom. I honestly think in future he is going to be one of those men who drives the crane with the massive wrecking ball on, demolishing buildings and crushing cars. Luckily right now he's just playing with some magnetic darts, about fifty metal ball bearings and an empty biscuit tin. Oh, to be young again!
Anyway, that's all for now folks! And yes, I am perfectly aware that I sound like somebody from the Looney Tunes. But seriously, that is all.
For now.
Friday, 30 July 2010
Getting Used To It (Blogging That Is)
So, I'm sitting here in my PJs on my laptop thinking hmmm, how can I spend the rest of the summer hols??
But I don't have any answers for that yet, so maybe you guys can comment with suggestions?
So a bit about me, I am sixteen and live in the UK (but that is not short for Ukraine), and I'm not telling you any more than that, in case some randomer gets it into their head to come visit me and demand cups of sugar or something. I am a girl, and enjoy clothes and such, however I do not usually wear any kind of make up, I do not, and never will, have my ears or anywhere else pierced, I find tattoos vile, I like neon in general, I am amused by normal things such as people eating cereal on TV (The Vampire Diaries for that one), cash and carry stores, miniature things like small bins, spoons and cheese graters, and I have an extraordinarily active imagination, and adore all animals, even spiders and that supposedly ugly blob fish just recently discovered. However, I am not a big fan of dogs, especially when they are large and excitable (ferocious, more like).
OK I admit it. I was recommended by a friend called Clive to start a blog, but I have no idea what to actually write! Maybe I should just do it like a diary, as I used to write a journal, however, I will be a bit more careful about what I write, because the contents of my journals could get half of my class at school arrested, and the other half would never speak to me again. But that is beside the point. Even though there really isn't as point. Maybe I should just write when I have more to tell!
I have just remembered a major characteristic of me! I love bags! Handbags that is, I have over thirty, all colour coded and hung up in my wardrobe! I am currently on the lookout for an orange bag, and a green bag, because I don't have ones of those colours yet. My most recent acquisition is a red bag with changeable strap length, two main compartments, a back zipped pocket, a back key pocket, an inside zipped pocket, and inside phone pocket, an inside what I like to call train-ticket-pocket (they fit perfectly) and a flap over magnetic press stud clasp, which often gets in the way when opening the bag. However, it is fantastic! And it was in the sale, so it was only a tenner, from The Edinburgh Woollen Mill (which is not just located in Edinburgh, contrary to popular myth. I can't imagine where that rumour came from). A great buy, and a welcomed addition to my bag family.
Oh gosh, I do seem to be rambling don't I? Bye for now, but I'm going to be a bit busy for a while, but I'll write as soon as possible.
Oh and PS, check out my amazing banner! Fish fingers and custard, the milky fishy treat!

Myspace Glitter Graphics
But I don't have any answers for that yet, so maybe you guys can comment with suggestions?
So a bit about me, I am sixteen and live in the UK (but that is not short for Ukraine), and I'm not telling you any more than that, in case some randomer gets it into their head to come visit me and demand cups of sugar or something. I am a girl, and enjoy clothes and such, however I do not usually wear any kind of make up, I do not, and never will, have my ears or anywhere else pierced, I find tattoos vile, I like neon in general, I am amused by normal things such as people eating cereal on TV (The Vampire Diaries for that one), cash and carry stores, miniature things like small bins, spoons and cheese graters, and I have an extraordinarily active imagination, and adore all animals, even spiders and that supposedly ugly blob fish just recently discovered. However, I am not a big fan of dogs, especially when they are large and excitable (ferocious, more like).
OK I admit it. I was recommended by a friend called Clive to start a blog, but I have no idea what to actually write! Maybe I should just do it like a diary, as I used to write a journal, however, I will be a bit more careful about what I write, because the contents of my journals could get half of my class at school arrested, and the other half would never speak to me again. But that is beside the point. Even though there really isn't as point. Maybe I should just write when I have more to tell!
I have just remembered a major characteristic of me! I love bags! Handbags that is, I have over thirty, all colour coded and hung up in my wardrobe! I am currently on the lookout for an orange bag, and a green bag, because I don't have ones of those colours yet. My most recent acquisition is a red bag with changeable strap length, two main compartments, a back zipped pocket, a back key pocket, an inside zipped pocket, and inside phone pocket, an inside what I like to call train-ticket-pocket (they fit perfectly) and a flap over magnetic press stud clasp, which often gets in the way when opening the bag. However, it is fantastic! And it was in the sale, so it was only a tenner, from The Edinburgh Woollen Mill (which is not just located in Edinburgh, contrary to popular myth. I can't imagine where that rumour came from). A great buy, and a welcomed addition to my bag family.
Oh gosh, I do seem to be rambling don't I? Bye for now, but I'm going to be a bit busy for a while, but I'll write as soon as possible.
Oh and PS, check out my amazing banner! Fish fingers and custard, the milky fishy treat!

Myspace Glitter Graphics
Just Starting Out
So, guess what? I'm starting a blog. That's right, I have finally got round to adding this site to the ever growing and rather large list of sites I am signed up for. But I have a positive attitude to this one. I am writing a book, so thought blogging would be a good way to add to my writing experience, as well as telling everyone about my weird and wacky life.
So currently, I am witnessing how much emotional turmoil people go through when preparing for a holiday! It's ridiculous! Excuse me while I go and let my cat in! My cat is called Rolo, and is fat and grumpy, but I love him more than anything in the whole world. Even more than my human family. He runs like a badger, walks on fences as well as a badger, and is roughly built like a badger, so you can probably see why I think he is part badger.
My other cat, Wispa, is a fluffy little thing my family and I like to call Squizzer. Why is this you may ask? Because her tail is so bushy you could lose a barbeque in there. She often walk around with it sticking up in the air, not so much different from a submarine's periscope only far hairier. So they are my resident animals, unless you count my little seven year old brother, which I sometimes do.
So where was I? Oh yes, holiday panicking. Washing, tumble drying and ironing is worried over more than usual, and lists of things to do, things to pack and things to tape on the Sky+ Box go flying about like those little bits of paper they throw down on the final of the X Factor. Not to mention packing. Well, I was sensible, got everything I could packed at once a few days beforehand, then ticked them off on my pre-made laser-printed colour-coded list (I only have one list, mwhaha!) and then washed/ironed what was left. Also doing this makes you aware of what you need to buy before the holiday, as well as what library books need renewing, so a quick trip into town for shaving foam and renewing chunks of bound paper. All sorted, Zoe is a genius!
I have to go and help get the dinner ready now, so speak soon!
So currently, I am witnessing how much emotional turmoil people go through when preparing for a holiday! It's ridiculous! Excuse me while I go and let my cat in! My cat is called Rolo, and is fat and grumpy, but I love him more than anything in the whole world. Even more than my human family. He runs like a badger, walks on fences as well as a badger, and is roughly built like a badger, so you can probably see why I think he is part badger.
My other cat, Wispa, is a fluffy little thing my family and I like to call Squizzer. Why is this you may ask? Because her tail is so bushy you could lose a barbeque in there. She often walk around with it sticking up in the air, not so much different from a submarine's periscope only far hairier. So they are my resident animals, unless you count my little seven year old brother, which I sometimes do.
So where was I? Oh yes, holiday panicking. Washing, tumble drying and ironing is worried over more than usual, and lists of things to do, things to pack and things to tape on the Sky+ Box go flying about like those little bits of paper they throw down on the final of the X Factor. Not to mention packing. Well, I was sensible, got everything I could packed at once a few days beforehand, then ticked them off on my pre-made laser-printed colour-coded list (I only have one list, mwhaha!) and then washed/ironed what was left. Also doing this makes you aware of what you need to buy before the holiday, as well as what library books need renewing, so a quick trip into town for shaving foam and renewing chunks of bound paper. All sorted, Zoe is a genius!
I have to go and help get the dinner ready now, so speak soon!
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